
Mathematics (BA, BS)

Why Study Math?

The study of math goes beyond numbers and equations. You will learn to problem solve; communicate complex ideas; and create, understand, and critique arguments—all critical skills that will prepare you to work in any job that requires analytical thought. Many fields are open to math majors, including actuarial science, computer, engineering, financial analysis, investment, law, science, statistics, and teaching.

Faculty Spotlight: Rachelle Ankney

Dr. Rachelle Ankney combines mathematical sciences with a passionate fight for justice, teaching her students about the systemic causes of inequality in our society and how they can use math to work for change. Dr. Ankney co-authored the textbook Just Math with Dr. Aaron Kaestner. The textbook covers general education math topics with social justice applications.

More About Rachelle 

Alumni Graduate Schools and Careers

Students have gone on to computer programming, engineering, education, and consulting careers and pursued graduate work in pure math, applied math, statistics, and education. Some of our recent grads include PhD candidates at Notre Dame and LESIA – Observatoire de Paris, graduate students at Uppsala University and UW-Madison, specialists in the IT sector, the accounting director for a major philanthropic trust, project coordinator for a commercial and residential restoration company, and an engineer for a major automation equipment manufacturer.

Specialize in Actuarial Science

Actuarial science is a branch of mathematics and statistics that focuses on risk and managing risk, and the actuary career is consistently ranked as one of the most sought-after and high-paying positions in the market today.

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Interesting Classes

Our Just Math course combines mathematical principles with service learning and urban engagement by using math to reveal systemic injustice in Chicago. The class has conducted demographic research on income, employment, and race in Cook County for a regional social justice organization, which will use the data in legislative advocacy efforts.