
Students outside the Center for Student Engagement

Division of Student Engagement

Accommodations and Services

Qualified students with disabilities may receive reasonable accommodations that provide greater access to classroom instruction and to the academic programs. These accommodations are individualized, flexible, and are based on how your disability may impact you in the academic environment. Each semester, you, the disability access specialist, and the faculty involved share responsibility for deciding on and arranging reasonable accommodations.

Some typical accommodations and services offered are:

  • Extended time on exams
  • Quiet testing area
  • Use of a calculator
  • Course relocation
  • Individual support meetings

Other accommodations are available, and are determined on a case-by-case basis.

The disability access specialist must be notified at least two weeks in advance in order to pursue the needed accommodations or services. Extra time may be needed for accommodations that require more planning.

Implementing Accommodations

To receive accommodations, students with disabilities must request them each semester through the disability access specialist. An accommodation letter authorizing accommodations will be generated by the disability access specialist, and made available for the student to distribute to their professors. This is to be done at the beginning of each semester (and quad).

Students are encouraged to personally deliver/email the letters to each professor during their office hours or a scheduled appointment to discuss their needs confidentially.

Approved accommodations that are included in the Accommodation Letter should be requested from the professor at least two weeks prior to expecting any to be provided.

If you have initial concerns about accommodations, first discuss them with your professor. If the problem is still unresolved, then seek the assistance of the disability access specialist.

Students who do not request accommodations through the disability access specialist will not be eligible to receive accommodations from their professors.

Additional Resources

  • (Maps, Schedules, Construction, etc.)